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What if Hollywood made movies about banal stuff?

Hollywood usually loves to make movies about world-shattering events. You know - wars, love, the end of the world - such things. But what if they ran out of stories and had to do pictures about the banal everyday stuff? Cracked asked and the Photoplasters showed what it would be like...

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Gungans: Where Are They Now?

Just for the case you ever wondered why there's no Gungans in the original three Star Wars movies - that's one of the darker parts of Naboo's history, actually...

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Ironic Punishments for Everyday Annoyances

These were made for this cracked article - with the first one making it in.

3 Unseen Jobs That Must Exist in Movie Universes

Back in August the cracked editors were looking for jobs that *must* exist in movie universes, even though you never get to see them. Here's my examples:

3. Lawyers specialized on movie-universe-cases

2. The guy who supplies the white paint for Saruman's Uruk-Hai

1. Middle earth tax collectors
